My mission is to help people who are going through a separation so that they can gain clarity and more quickly move on to live happier, healthier lives.
— Michelle

Why I Became A Divorce Coach

My name is Michelle.

I’m a qualified Teacher and Divorce Coach. I have a Diploma and a Bachelor of Education and have worked in Education for over twenty-five years. I went through a divorce after a twenty-year-long marriage and understand what a difficult time it can be. During my separation, I noticed that lack of support and clarity around divorce and separation. This sparked my curiosity towards finding a better way to get through it.

Figuring out the decisions such as should I stay or should I go, what needs to be done, will the kids be ok and how am I going to finacially survive when going through separation, can seem overwhelming. Lawyers can have an import role in the separation process but with the correct guidance, blown out of proportion lawyers fees can be avoided.

Often people are held back by their own self-limiting beliefs and just need some guiding support and tools to help them move through the challenges. I believe that self-reflection is important however it needs to be backed up with postive action.

Going through divorce is a challenging time, however it can also be an oppotrtunity to reinvent and rebuild a much happier and healthier life.

Helping my clients to turn their marriage breakdown into a breakthrough is extremely rewarding,

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